Tuesday 14 May 2013

Cookbook and Cake Sale

2013-04-24 07.30.29

My first cake for Free Cakes for Kids Hackney

Recently I signed up as a volunteer for Free Cakes for Kids Hackney. Essentially, FCKH matches up keen bakers like me with families who find it difficult to provide birthday cakes for their children. I get to bake, which I love, and a kid gets to blow out some candles. Simple.

When FCKH were trying to think of a way to celebrate the making of their hundredth birthday cake, I had an idea. My dining room table was creaking under the weight of more than a hundred cookbooks I’d been sent as a judge for the Guild of Food Writers’ Cookbook of the Year award. Why not have a cookbook and cake sale to raise some funds so we can make more cakes for more kids?


Some books for the sale.

So if you’re free this Sunday, May 19, do come. There’ll be many of the biggest titles from 2012, so you can tuck into brand new copies of Ottolenghi, Nigella, Jamie, Hugh and Mary Berry at knock down prices - and there’ll be quite a few second-hand books too. And if that isn’t a big enough draw, we’ll be serving tea and cake, of course.

There are Free Cakes for Kids groups springing up all over the country. If you’d like to volunteer or donate, check out their website here.


19 May, 2-5pm, 112 Rectory Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 7SD

Cash only, please.


  1. Oh I like this idea very much. What a great way to help make someone's birthday special. I hope you raise lots of money at the sale.

  2. I hope you have sunshine and a very profitable day. I know that cake is going to be gone in a flash!

  3. What a great idea! If only we could make it....

  4. TOC, Debs and PL, Thanks so much! Really looking forward to Sunday. Please cross things that the sun shines so people can sit in the garden with their tea and cake if the want to.


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